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Third week

One of the purposes of this week is to carry out the final project of the computer science course. The objective of this is to create a short film taking advantage of all the programs that have been dealt with throughout the course.

On the one hand, with the LibreOffice Writter the script of the movie will be written. With the GIMP editor, the cover will be made. With LibreOffice Impress, a brief introduction introducing the subject of the movie. Finally, with the Emacs text editor, an HTML web page will be created that will cover all the work related to this project, with different tabs for each section: one for the script, another for the trailer, another with the accompanying film ... And on the other hand, the payment management application is to be completed.

On Monday we devoted ourselves to structuring the web page and highlighting work methods such as organizing work in directories. We introduced the CSS tool to the creation of the web page, which allows it to improve its visual appearance.

On Tuesday, we continued with the editing of the website, and we also spent most of the time writing the script and downloading audio and video tracks for the movie.

Today, Wednesday, the website has been improved by introducing new elements. Each group could record the necessary scenes and pass them on to the computer.

Wendnesday 07th August 2019

During the last days of the third week we finished the final project of the informatics course. On Thursday all the students finished their video edition and created the website for the film.

Finally, on Friday students presented their work. They explained the web about the film: the plot, the soundtrack, the actors... To conclude the course we watched all the films and delivered a certificate to each student. Afterwards we explained the steps in order to install the operating system Ubuntu to a computer. The feedback received from the course has been very positive, we felt satisfied with the learning and attitude of the students.

In parallel we finished other activities of our project. We left the solar kit ready to start monitoring, since the values obtained during the week were considered to be correct and representative.

Friday 09th August 2019
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